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This is content area 2

Welcome to The HIM News Page

Here, you’ll find stories of impact from our volunteers and staff, posts taking a deeper dive into our programs and services and more.
those it serves. From child care, feeding and housing to medical, dental and eyecare HIM strives to bring aide to those in need. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! How does your life fit in with HIM's work. Let us know how we can help you become a participant through working with or giving to our many programs. Contact us at 
 Requires a FooterArticle to exist to push footer to bottom.   WHY???

This PopUP was create with template 102.  It will only popup one time when the page is displayed the first time.  If the user leaves the website and returns it will popup again the first time the page is viewed. 

Content Area 2 contains the Controls for the popup including delay, type(direction), popup speed, width, and border.

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